Last modified by Admin on 2008/11/16 06:45

Show last authors
1 {{include document="Blog.CategoriesCode"/}}
3 {{velocity filter="none"}}
4 {{html clean="false" wiki="true"}}
5 $xwiki.ssx.use("Blog.ManageCategories")##
6 $xwiki.jsx.use("Blog.ManageCategories")##
7 ##
8 ##
9 ##
10 #if($doc.getObject($blogCategoryClassname))
11 #getEntriesForCategory($doc.fullName $discard $totalEntries)
13 <h1>Category: #getCategoryName($doc) ($totalEntries posts) <a href="$xwiki.getURL('Blog.CategoryRss', 'view', "xpage=plain&amp;category=${escapetool.url($doc.fullName)}")" title="RSS">#toolImage('feed' '[RSS]')</a></h1>
14 #if($xcontext.action != 'inline')
15 {{include document="Blog.CreatePost"/}}
16 #getCategoriesHierarchy($ $tree)
17 #if("$!{tree.get(${doc.fullName})}" != '')
18 <div class="blog-categories-list subcategories">
19 <div>
20 **Subcategories**
21 </div>
22 <div>
23 #displayCategoriesHierarchyRecursive($tree $doc.fullName 1 'simple')
24 </div>
25 </div>
26 #end
27 <div class="clearfloats"></div>
29 #getEntriesForCategory($doc.fullName $entries $totalEntries)
30 #if($totalEntries == 0)
31 #info('No entries in this category')
32 #else
33 #displayBlog($entries 'category' true true)
34 ## displayNavigationLinks requires a blog document, to determine how should the entries be split into pages. Return this
35 ## document, as the macro fallbacks to 'paginated' in case the right setting cannot be determined.
36 #displayNavigationLinks($doc)
37 #end
38 #end
39 #elseif($doc.fullName == $blogCategorySheet)
40 = $msg.get('') =
41 $msg.get('')
42 #else
43 #warning($msg.get(''))
44 #end
45 {{/html}}
46 {{/velocity}}