Struts2 Adventures

Version 15.1 by Ken McWilliams on 2012/03/19 07:32


About this Guide

Why Struts2

Setup and Integration

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space

Setting up a new Struts2 Project in Netbeans

Adding and Using the Conventions Plugin

Basic Tiles Integration

Tiles 2.2.2 Integration

Adding Spring Dependancy Injection to Struts2 Project

Return JSON using the Struts2-json-plugin

Glassfish Connection Pool for MySQL

Adding JPA(via Hibernate) with Spring to Struts2 Project

MySQL Workbench and updating JPA Entities with Netbeans

Application Tutorials

Using the roles Interceptor to control access

Twitter Tweet

Facebook Status Update

Single Sign On (SSO) using Facebook and Twitter

Struts2 Ajax Tutorial


Struts2 Tag Guide

Annotation Guide